
Friday, 12 February 2021

why being hydrated is important

LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.

Our Inquiry task was based on investigating the definition of hydration and dehydration, as well as figure out why it is important and very crucial to drink water regularly as part of our health and learning.

Our group started by writing  down the definition of hydration and dehydration and what they mean to us. We wrote the definitions of hydration and dehydration on a google draw.

For our group, hydration means having enough fluid or water ingestion. Dehydration to us means the lack of water intake by a person or living organism. 

On our poster, we began including information about why hydration is important and the benefits of drinking water regularly, as well as why dehydration can be a health hazard and the symptoms of dehydration.

Some of the symptoms are: headaches, feeling dizzy or dry mouth. Not drinking enough water can lead to health hazards that could possibly link to the heart. 

Drinking enough water has a lot of health benefits as well as learning benefits. Being hydrated can also make you energetic for learning new things and going to school.

I enjoyed because this was the first thing i did and it was fun to learn about the benefits and side affects of having water .  

Thursday, 11 February 2021


 Today we carried a statistical investigation by asking our classmates what their favourite colour is. We recorded their answers and then we cut out the answers and stuck them on an A 3 piece of paper Then we made a DLO so we can measure what the most favourite colour in the classes.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about 

Today we expand our knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi.The treaty was made by the British and signed by multiple chiefs of Aoteroa. The British broke the treaty over time and in return made violence for many years. Then years later the war stop and Aoteroa people put to a end.