
Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Exploring our national current events

 LI: To identify author’s purpose.

Authors write for a purpose (reason). These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make decisions about which stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map. Something i found introsting was a 100 year old train was saved by a man named David Robb one of the One of the founders of Auckland’s Museum of Transport and Technology (Motat)

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

guy fawkes


To understand why we celebrate Guy Fawkes each year LS2 buddied up with recorded all the important words from the story Mrs Anderson shared with us. We then chose the 20 most important words and from those words chose 6 words to help us write our summary.