
Friday, 28 June 2019

kiwi sport

This week was the last week to do kiwisport  and during  gymnastics we did some stretches the l shape we did the cat shape sell shape  we did the butterfly and lots more i started on the beam and we had to lift ourselves off the floor . And on to the beam we had to do high legs  and then we went on to cart wheels i could not do it   so i just skip it . And then we went on to the other  corse i ran to the trampoline and i jump and i did a forward roll  .Then i went on to backward roll and then some more cart wells  then we went on the last corse  and i did the handstand .And we had to hold it 5 seconds but i halde there for  10 and we had lift one leg off  then i moved to push up i skipt it and  went to holding myself up . And then we all stopped and we watch the handstand challenge. I did not compete .I just watch then i went back to class and had morning tea  . 

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

kiwi can

This week for kiwi the L.I was to use trust and reliability  .
can  we had  some games snap and  trust me i was not there for snap so i well tell you how to play trust me the way to play trust me.  You get a partner how is the same  height as you and you do trust falls and your partner  has to catch you cause he trust you to drop . And that you will catch them we also had to lift are partner as well we had to len opposite direction and hold ourselves together . So we dont drop then we all played gkq i lost my round  but it was fun at kiwi can today.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

hiwi the kiwi fishing for the future

L.I. to be responsabil  in the  sea  and when fishing
today we went to the hall to watch hiwi kiwi sing song and we all dance to the song and we got stickers and he told us that we always should where a life jacket when we are on a boat    and how we should pick up rubbish to save fish and birds  cause birds think rubbish is food and so do fish  which is why we should put rubbish in the bin after that he sang some more song and one of the kids got a magazine a sticker a hat and a poster from hiwi the kiwi.he told us if we get a big fish we should put it back cause it could  be pregnant and if it was to small you  should put it back because it needs time to grow.we had to pick it up with a wet towel because you could hurt the fishes skin and you should bring a box of ice with salt on it .

Thursday, 13 June 2019


 L.I to learn the season in te reo maori.
The words for seasons in maori is tau.spring,summer,autumn and winter also have their own workds we used the te ara website to learn these words.

Friday, 7 June 2019


This week we did Writing and we had to do end result and we had to do what wepick and i did spaghetti.and we had to do this for end result and we had to pick something we want to do and then we had to blog for what we did and we had to do Materials and we did what we need to make it and we had to do a doc.