Wednesday, 18 December 2019
if i had super powers
this week for the summer learning we had to pick three powers super speed super strength and to have infinite powers and we had tell wiy we pick those power and my reasons are right up there
Monday, 9 December 2019
Activity 1 New Zealand Royalty
This week is the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey teaser week. I researched Ella Yelich O'Connor, who is famously known as Lorde. I have created a profile page on a google drawing to share my information about Lorde. I found it interesting that she likes to buy second hand goods because she has such a lot of money.
Friday, 6 December 2019
This week we had to make a maths quiz game that wood give some questions that wood make you think and there's the incorrect slides and correct slides if you get the question wrong we had to teach them how to get the question right and then they know for the next time that they go back onto it so then they will not get the question wrong and if they get it right they got teleported to go on to the next slide his is what it look like .
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
This wednesday we had the maori teacher come and visit us we had to translate maori numbers in to english numbers we had to read numbers in mari and so that we could make them english we can learn about the maori cloak .
Today for maori we learnt how to translate the months of the year and how to say the days in maori we played a numbers game we raise a number and so does your partner and then you have to say it in the Maori language we had to say very high numbers and i did not now much of it .
This morning we went to another kiwi can listen but today we went up first we played a basketball game and we played mirror you stand in front of your partner and what thay bo you bo then we got into a group of 4 or 5 and then we went out we passed the ball to are group and we had to get more shot then the other groups .
Friday, 29 November 2019
LI to respect others for their differences
everyone has their own beliefs ideas and customs
you should hold your tongue think about what you should say before
saying anything
learn about other cultures religions and customs
everyone has their own beliefs ideas and customs
you should hold your tongue think about what you should say before
saying anything
learn about other cultures religions and customs
- spot the difference
- remix
- master tag
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
kiwi can
this week for kiwi can we learned to be patient and to have that patient so when we played some games and they were great the first game we played was called grab it in the game we had to grab are partners hand before he or she moves it the last game was like a race we had to pinch the person in front of you so he knows to pinch the next person so he can run and get to the cowin before the other team .
Friday, 15 November 2019
manaiakalani film festival
Today i watched The Digital Commandments video from Tamaki Colldge.And i love the part when it show room 5 typing down on the computer.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
ssr selfie
This week i mad a ssr selfie it is about car speed and machines i had to answer some words and questions you should read this book.
This week we were playing a game of tennis this week we were learning how to serve to are team member we were learning how to make a proper serve to people in tennis we were doing the rolley we had to play slow and softly because we were in the hall that is where we have assembly we took turns with the people behind us .
LI to learn about te reo maori.
This week for maori we got to sheets of paper one of the sheets was all about translated maori words into english words. The past weeks we have been learning how to say things in maori and what they mean in english .
This week for maori we got to sheets of paper one of the sheets was all about translated maori words into english words. The past weeks we have been learning how to say things in maori and what they mean in english .
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
kiwi can
This week for kiwi can we were learning to yous are manners and now how people are feeling through dancing or communication we played two games quick draw the way you play is you get a partner you Quick Draw you raise a number and your partner's raise a number and you have to count the numbers altogether the last game you get in a team and you danes. When the song stops you grab a cone and if you dont got one you sit down.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
mathes paper plans
This week for mathes we had been making paper plans we had to misher how far the paper plan well go and we had to see how it would do up against other types of plans we had to misher how far it would go but we had to find a partner my parnes name is jerome the tiye of plan we mad was called the edge it a type of plane so when making this we had to be very careful we had to see if are partners was plan is better than are planes when we were done playing we had to right a blog here's a picture.
Monday, 11 November 2019
LI: to comprehend fiction texts.
This week for reading i have had to do a series of tasks named the follow up task that the teacher mad on a slide i had to fill out i had to read a book and i had to fill out the book was about a kid named bailey going to a park named the super bodey fun fair i had to make sure i answered the questions in the slide i have and now i am blogging and now hairs my slide .
This week for reading i have had to do a series of tasks named the follow up task that the teacher mad on a slide i had to fill out i had to read a book and i had to fill out the book was about a kid named bailey going to a park named the super bodey fun fair i had to make sure i answered the questions in the slide i have and now i am blogging and now hairs my slide .
Friday, 8 November 2019
kiwi sport
This week for kiwisport we learnt the volley in tennis we got in to pairs and we had to keep the ball bouncing and we had to go softly and not hit it to hard so that it what go fling we had to make shore that it would not touch the floor.
the three little pigs
LI to learn about the three little pigs .
This week for writhing we read a book the book was about the three little we had to write our own version of this we had to make it like how we wanted it we chode lit the wolf win or we could let the pigs win in my storey the big pig got an axe and chopeted wolf that how my ended this book is about three little pigs they mad house but the wolf threatens the pigs to destroy their homes but in my story i made some changes to the story it ends my way and it ends with a splat .
This week for writhing we read a book the book was about the three little we had to write our own version of this we had to make it like how we wanted it we chode lit the wolf win or we could let the pigs win in my storey the big pig got an axe and chopeted wolf that how my ended this book is about three little pigs they mad house but the wolf threatens the pigs to destroy their homes but in my story i made some changes to the story it ends my way and it ends with a splat .
Thursday, 7 November 2019
kiwi can
this week we went to kiwi can and we played games we learnt respect and now the games were called paper sisis rock the game is kide of the same but when you get out you have to go on your ness and vs others that are on their ness next game was about getting in animal choir and singing songs about are animals .
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
follow up
for reading this week we had to read one book so that we could make a copy of the follow up task and that we could answer the questions and so that we could show the thercher that we could finish are work so once we had read the book we made a copy we finish the slide and then had to blog it .
Friday, 1 November 2019
This week for maori the LI to learn words in te ara maori
we learnt how to say brother and sister in maori we made a copy of something we
had to learn about how to say i you and mum and papa and sister brother all the others in maori we learnt how to say are friends names and we had to wright about the suders you live in and the city but in maori .
we learnt how to say brother and sister in maori we made a copy of something we
had to learn about how to say i you and mum and papa and sister brother all the others in maori we learnt how to say are friends names and we had to wright about the suders you live in and the city but in maori .
this week for cybersmart the teacher mad a slide we had to make a copy and then we got told about legal and illegal and that it is copyright and how you can't take something without the person how mad it lets you have it so after that we had to make a copy of the slide and then we had to find places that sell photos and we pot them on the legal or illegal sides and we had to wright what they mene and we had to wright what it is
kiwi sport
LI to learn the basic grip on a tennis racket.
the warm up was we got in pairs one person dropped a ball the other cathe it .
This warmed are reactions.
the activity learning the forehand and the backhand technique. the forehand one hande at the bottom holding the racket this is your dominant hand .back hand this is the hand you your pot at the bottom and your other hand is up top of the racket for the backhand you need to hands on the racket your dominant hand stays at the bottom and the other hand stays at the top of the racket
the warm up was we got in pairs one person dropped a ball the other cathe it .
This warmed are reactions.
the activity learning the forehand and the backhand technique. the forehand one hande at the bottom holding the racket this is your dominant hand .back hand this is the hand you your pot at the bottom and your other hand is up top of the racket for the backhand you need to hands on the racket your dominant hand stays at the bottom and the other hand stays at the top of the racket
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
this week for kiwi can i went so well i was at kiwi can we talked about the same old stuff but i have to tell you what happened because it's a part of the school so what happened was we went there and then we played a game that game went like this we got into groups of five and we got picked a leader and the leader got tolled by the teacher what we had to do like a taske and the last game we played was called tagiled in this game you get in groups and then you had to hold each other's hands but they have to be tagil and you have to untangle that's the end .
Friday, 25 October 2019
this i had reading for reading the teacher mad a slide that my class had to make a copy of there were question on the slide that we had to answer we had to tell people what happened in the book and what the main character was like we had to make connections between us and the world and another book we had to find five words and answer three of them we had to give quisions if the person was real the main character is an old lady the book is about the lady who says that she banet on the moon to learn more get the book then i had to blog it .
ssr selfie
Thursday, 24 October 2019
This week for writing we learnt how to write a recount a recount is something that tells you something
that has happened in the past this is my recount .
that has happened in the past this is my recount .
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
kiwi can
This week i was at kiwican today was a windy day there were thing blowing everywhere it had been raining so for kiwi can we got put in 2 numbers half the class well the other side was playing games of the mind my side of the class were playing games of power and strength we had to get a buddy my buddy was jarome we had to go back to back we had to pot are arms around are buddy and lift ourselves up and then the group had to the same thing but the hole grupe had to get in a circle and do the same thing then the last thing we did was we had to make a pyramid and then we played some gkq .
Friday, 18 October 2019
this week we have deen writing recount a recount is something that is happened to you we had to right simple and extended simple sentences compounds and complex those are the sentence that we had to pot in are recounts we had to be careful what we right we learnt how to make a recount.
This week for maths we had to measure the length of the pecills and make a stem and leaf graph with this we had to see how many peceills we measured and we had to count how long the pencils are this week, we had to use our rounding we were learning about length and measurement. We got in groups and we measured ten pencils and we had to talk to other groups and see what they have on their math books .We had to make a google spreadsheet and then we had to right are information on the shit when we were don we had to blog it .
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
This week 2019 at kiwi can we had a new saying it was respect and for respect we learnt to respect ourselves and to take chere for are bodys and personal hygiene .
We played games the games were orange apple banana and the last game was lie and truth the way you play orange apple banana is when the teacher calls orange you jump bake and when he calls apple you jump forward but when he calls banana you turn around.
The way you play lie or truth is you tell a lie and you tell a truth you have to gese the truth.
to day was about respect to your self and to others.
We played games the games were orange apple banana and the last game was lie and truth the way you play orange apple banana is when the teacher calls orange you jump bake and when he calls apple you jump forward but when he calls banana you turn around.
The way you play lie or truth is you tell a lie and you tell a truth you have to gese the truth.
to day was about respect to your self and to others.
Friday, 20 September 2019
this week for commenting i comment on Ayden work. i like his work i hope he keeps it up in the future.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
kiwi can
LI to cope with challenges .
we learnt how to face our challenges we learnt how to face challenges and experience attempt then we looked at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges we figured out coping strategies in groups of three .
we learnt how to face our challenges we learnt how to face challenges and experience attempt then we looked at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges we figured out coping strategies in groups of three .
Friday, 13 September 2019
ssr selfie
this week i mad a ssr selfie i had a book called ninja it tells you about ninja and samurai i had to answer questions about the book and get a image of the book the title is ninja
loaded words
I am selling a car the car it is a red ferrari we had to find something to sell the teacher and we all had to sell the teacher something that we found and we had to make the teacher want to buy what we were chring to sell we had to wright the cost of what we wanted we had to describe the ferrari and then we had to tell then we had to tell the size and the weight we had to make a title and we had another slide the slide were words that advertise the car like shiny or strong when we were done we had to to show the teacher and then we had to blog it
Find a successful past add arrows to show the successful path to write sentences to explain the successful path these sentence needed to explain how the arrows moved turn or rotate 1/4 or 90 clockwise and anticlockwise we had to slide up down left right the thing we did was a bom grid
we had to find the right path . 
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
kiwi can
LI to deal with challenges .
we need to practice dealing with challenges to deal with them easily in the future.
we did a bus stop activity we had to explain the challenges and the picture.the activity was
bus stop the topic was dealing with challenges and the theme was resilience.
we need to practice dealing with challenges to deal with them easily in the future.
we did a bus stop activity we had to explain the challenges and the picture.the activity was
bus stop the topic was dealing with challenges and the theme was resilience.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
duffey asibily
This week for duffy asibily we had a special visitor he travels around the world and he watches sport games all types of games and he had to wright what happens he shows it to people and he is a author he write brothers in black the books about the brothers in the all blacks .His name is Jaime wall he had a book about all the all blacks games ever he is from wellington he told us about the all blacks and the warriors he mad a movie about them the entire school watched it at the asibily it was cool and then he gave us cool duffy books then we went back to class .
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
LI to answer who questions .
we had to do who questions we had to answer the questions that we were given when we answered the questions we had to make are own questions and then we had to answer them we answer them by using the verdes we sore in the pictures me and my group had to do the entire slide and when we were done we had to blog it and then get on with are other work for the week .
Friday, 30 August 2019
this week for inquiry we had to make a copy of a google drawing that the teacher made .You have to get into groups of four .We got two sticks and a rope. We had to make a knot and we had to tie it around the stick. And then pull and pull the people holding the sticks . When we were done we had to make a copy of the drawing. When we had to write how many times we had to wrap it around the sticks before we could move it. Then we had to write what things in the to world that use pulleys . Pulleys are used to move heavy loads like the elevators, the cranes in building and constructions sites. Pulleys are also used in water wells.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
LI:To comprehend and answer what questions.
This week we had to pot a simple answer for a simple question on a slide the teacher made a slide
there were questions and we had to put the answer on them. Ing stands for the present
ed means past s stands for simple present .
those for those are what they stand for
LI to focus more and not get distracted .
We learned how to not get distracted .
Distracted means to fall out of focus . Many things can distract us
like people talking or physically annoying each other. To learn about distractions
we played a game called Distraction Circle.The way the game worked was you had five people. Someone in the middle , two people on the sides , one person in front and one in the back.The person in the middle had to copy the person in front and the ones on the side had to tell a story and sing a song. The one at the back had to draw a number on the person's back. This was the hard part because I could not focus on everything. Then we had to come back to class and do are blog post so when you are in class focus on your work .
We learned how to not get distracted .
Distracted means to fall out of focus . Many things can distract us
like people talking or physically annoying each other. To learn about distractions
we played a game called Distraction Circle.The way the game worked was you had five people. Someone in the middle , two people on the sides , one person in front and one in the back.The person in the middle had to copy the person in front and the ones on the side had to tell a story and sing a song. The one at the back had to draw a number on the person's back. This was the hard part because I could not focus on everything. Then we had to come back to class and do are blog post so when you are in class focus on your work .
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
kiwi can
LI self control self discipline
the catch phrase
kiwi can says control yourself don't shout over and out .
today for kiwi can we were learning self discipline and situations for self control
and how to control it and what wood happen if we didn't have self control or what wood
happen if we did not take responsibility for are action
the activities and challenge we played
we had to write the alphabet backwards from z it was hard because we have
never write it backwards but some people rit it the normal way to make it look like
we rit it from z the other games we played were
colors in maori we had to put the maori words next to the english words dy doing the maori color song i did not get it done cause i did not no the maori color song .
we had to make new actions for the catchphrase in a minute me and my group did not get it don in time cause we only had a minute to make a whole new set of actions .
And the last game we played was we had to do five push up and five setup and squats and some burpees i found this one to be severely easy then we went back to class and we had to blog it .
theme resiliens
topic self control and desplint
the catch phrase
kiwi can says control yourself don't shout over and out .
today for kiwi can we were learning self discipline and situations for self control
and how to control it and what wood happen if we didn't have self control or what wood
happen if we did not take responsibility for are action
the activities and challenge we played
we had to write the alphabet backwards from z it was hard because we have
never write it backwards but some people rit it the normal way to make it look like
we rit it from z the other games we played were
colors in maori we had to put the maori words next to the english words dy doing the maori color song i did not get it done cause i did not no the maori color song .
we had to make new actions for the catchphrase in a minute me and my group did not get it don in time cause we only had a minute to make a whole new set of actions .
And the last game we played was we had to do five push up and five setup and squats and some burpees i found this one to be severely easy then we went back to class and we had to blog it .
theme resiliens
topic self control and desplint
L.I to apply the print design rules
today for cybersmart we had to fix the poster there were for print design rules and we had to fix the slides and move around things and then we had to fix the text and the colour of the background then we had to fix the layout and the composition we had to put the title in the composition slide then when we finished we had to show the teacher
Friday, 9 August 2019
persuasive speech
LI to write a fast persuasive text
we had to right
a speech about my favourite character we had to right are opinion and reason and for why i like
this particular character.
we had to right
a speech about my favourite character we had to right are opinion and reason and for why i like
this particular character.
LI to identify main idea in a book
for reading we had to do the main idea bank we had to read a book
we had to find the main idea in the book
then we had to make a sentence out of words that we found
in the book we put the words in the slides
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
kiwi can
LI to learn about emotion and how they affect other people.
this week for kiwi can we learnt about
some emotion i learnt about where happiness sometimes we give opinions to people and it mit make people angry happiness can make other people happy when we learnt about
the effects of emotions by playing a game
the game was we got given a act and we had to act it in area groups
my group was super funny and we had to act a sport
and i acted as if i was passing the ball and then we had got in a fact fight
the other game we play we got a emotion and we had to find a similar emotion
i had sad and i found 3 other people with a similar emotion as me
so next time your out some were think about your emotion and be happy and pot on a
smil it was about emotions
Friday, 2 August 2019
reading not like the others
LI to identify the main idea
we had to do a activity the activity was we had to find the main
idea. In the story the first slide was done by the hole class the others
were by ourselves .We did a task called not like the others we
read the story and then need to highlight the wrong sentences .
Then we had to show the teacher and then blog .
Thursday, 1 August 2019
This week the LI was to resilience and emotions
we went to kiwi can
resilience and doing the right thing
Topic was emotions and how it infect us
energiser were
the teacher told us to hold are breath for 5 seconds then we had to hold are breath for 10 seconds it was a lot harder then 5 then 30 then 60 after that we told them how we felt.
was the teacher told us to get into groups and we were given a act and we had to act it then the class had to gese the act and inmotion then we had to tell the class how we felt .
Then we did some gkq we had to answer questions the buser was we had to tap are heads 2 times.
Then we did the catch phrase
if you feel it let it out dont doubt just get it all out.
we went to kiwi can
resilience and doing the right thing
Topic was emotions and how it infect us
energiser were
the teacher told us to hold are breath for 5 seconds then we had to hold are breath for 10 seconds it was a lot harder then 5 then 30 then 60 after that we told them how we felt.
was the teacher told us to get into groups and we were given a act and we had to act it then the class had to gese the act and inmotion then we had to tell the class how we felt .
Then we did some gkq we had to answer questions the buser was we had to tap are heads 2 times.
Then we did the catch phrase
if you feel it let it out dont doubt just get it all out.
Friday, 26 July 2019
This week we did commenting we got to pick someone and then we had to do a good comment about there work.
SSR Sefle
This week we did SSR Sefle and we had to make a thing and we had to write about a book that we chose that we wanted to do.
basic facts
this week for maths we had to do a slide about 2d3d shapes we took 6 photos we made the shapes with bluetack and toothpicks then i had to show the teacher now we have to blog .
Thursday, 25 July 2019
This week for writing Li to identify persuasive text.
The teacher mad a slide we had to sort out the slides wife categories the categories where
letter advertisement article speech and review.The slides were all different the hardest were the to last ones we had to color the answer then we had to wright wy we fort that then we had to show it to the teacher then we had to blog are werk .
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
kiwi can
this week for kiwi can we had to go to the room and we got to play games and we had to talk to the teacher and then we got in to the game and we had to get it to a group of three and then we had to do a emotion and then we had to to do the same things together and then we had to go back to the blog post then we had to talk to the teacher about kiwi can and then we got to the other game and we had to play it and then we did gkq then we went back to class and we had to make a blog post.

Monday, 22 July 2019
reading the main idea
there were three different category we had to pote names in to boxes we had to put them in ourselves we had different names what we had to do we had to move words into three different category they are groups of similar things body rugby and fruit
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
for inquiry this week we had to make a rocket out of straws slide 4 to see the answer first we tried this with no fins then we tried it with 2 and it did not go god then we pot 4 fins it went the farthest i showed the teacher and he told us to blog it this was the last week to bo it ok good by .
Friday, 28 June 2019
kiwi sport
This week was the last week to do kiwisport and during gymnastics we did some stretches the l shape we did the cat shape sell shape we did the butterfly and lots more i started on the beam and we had to lift ourselves off the floor . And on to the beam we had to do high legs and then we went on to cart wheels i could not do it so i just skip it . And then we went on to the other corse i ran to the trampoline and i jump and i did a forward roll .Then i went on to backward roll and then some more cart wells then we went on the last corse and i did the handstand .And we had to hold it 5 seconds but i halde there for 10 and we had lift one leg off then i moved to push up i skipt it and went to holding myself up . And then we all stopped and we watch the handstand challenge. I did not compete .I just watch then i went back to class and had morning tea .
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
kiwi can
This week for kiwi the L.I was to use trust and reliability .
can we had some games snap and trust me i was not there for snap so i well tell you how to play trust me the way to play trust me. You get a partner how is the same height as you and you do trust falls and your partner has to catch you cause he trust you to drop . And that you will catch them we also had to lift are partner as well we had to len opposite direction and hold ourselves together . So we dont drop then we all played gkq i lost my round but it was fun at kiwi can today.
can we had some games snap and trust me i was not there for snap so i well tell you how to play trust me the way to play trust me. You get a partner how is the same height as you and you do trust falls and your partner has to catch you cause he trust you to drop . And that you will catch them we also had to lift are partner as well we had to len opposite direction and hold ourselves together . So we dont drop then we all played gkq i lost my round but it was fun at kiwi can today.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
hiwi the kiwi fishing for the future
L.I. to be responsabil in the sea and when fishing
today we went to the hall to watch hiwi kiwi sing song and we all dance to the song and we got stickers and he told us that we always should where a life jacket when we are on a boat and how we should pick up rubbish to save fish and birds cause birds think rubbish is food and so do fish which is why we should put rubbish in the bin after that he sang some more song and one of the kids got a magazine a sticker a hat and a poster from hiwi the kiwi.he told us if we get a big fish we should put it back cause it could be pregnant and if it was to small you should put it back because it needs time to grow.we had to pick it up with a wet towel because you could hurt the fishes skin and you should bring a box of ice with salt on it .
Thursday, 13 June 2019
The words for seasons in maori is tau.spring,summer,autumn and winter also have their own workds we used the te ara website to learn these words.
Friday, 7 June 2019
This week we did Writing and we had to do end result and we had to do what wepick and i did spaghetti.and we had to do this for end result and we had to pick something we want to do and then we had to blog for what we did and we had to do Materials and we did what we need to make it and we had to do a doc.
Thursday, 9 May 2019
patupaiarehe and the mountains
L.I. to learn the geography of aotearoa
mount maunganui is a mountain in tauranga .the hunua and waitakere rangers are mountains in auckland . patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in maori myths .
i learned about the patupaiarehe and mountains by listening to tow stores ,The legend of
mauo and The turehu wars . I learned were the mountains are by looking on google
maps .
mount maunganui is a mountain in tauranga .the hunua and waitakere rangers are mountains in auckland . patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in maori myths .
i learned about the patupaiarehe and mountains by listening to tow stores ,The legend of
mauo and The turehu wars . I learned were the mountains are by looking on google
maps .
Friday, 3 May 2019
writing structure
procedural text is a set of instructions told to me when my teacher told me what to do i ran right to my computer.Got on but i was confused i did not no what to do so i asked the kid sitting next to me. And he told me what to do well for reading temps from the colour they represent red for title green for end result blue for materials yellow for pictures purple for steps . This took me a long time to finish but i did and i got it done and i am blogging it now enjoy it.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
l.s.1 we learnt about making connections with self and world and other book for this week.
For this task i made connections with self because my nephew has a mobile. I finist 3 slide and made 3 connections and making connection to the world and within myself and to another book .I read the book we read was called making a mobile. The words i learn were the most important foil glow cd and paper clip and now i have to right a blog post and here is my slid so this was all about making connections this is my reading work .
Wednesday, 10 April 2019

L I to recap everything we did in all of
our learning from term 1 .
our big them was positive relationships .
our 3 modules were positive communication
friendship cooperation
we made 3 groups .Each group talked about
the 5ws & h for 1 module.
after we talked as a group each sherde their
ides bake to the clas
1 thing we enjoyed this term . i enjoyed the games we played all term
1 things you learnt. i learnt to be a better person
1 things you need to be better to my friends friend
at positivity communication and to have better friend
Basic facts this week i played this game i had to solve 100 questions it took me about 4m and 53s some of the questions were hard and some were not i actually got a row of 5 takeaway 5 .
and then right after Basic facts i did a little test and in that test i had to solve the question and then when i finished i got 96% on stage 4 in 8m 50s because i was not focusing on my work.
when i finished those two things i played one of the best math games ever prodigy i was given a question to skip count backwards in 5s from 50 like that well prodigy is something you should give a try next time.
and then right after Basic facts i did a little test and in that test i had to solve the question and then when i finished i got 96% on stage 4 in 8m 50s because i was not focusing on my work.
when i finished those two things i played one of the best math games ever prodigy i was given a question to skip count backwards in 5s from 50 like that well prodigy is something you should give a try next time.
Friday, 5 April 2019
poetry consonance end rhyme assonance alliteration
poetry is a text for communicating ideas and expressing feelings to people .
poetry can include sound pattern .thay are rhyme and rhythm .
rhyming is repeating sounds in word there are four kinds of rhyme : consonance ,
end rhyme , alliteration , and assonance .
consonance is a sound of letters and words
end rhyme is repeating the same sound at the end of the line .
assonance is repeating a vowel sound
alliteration iis repeating the beginning sound in a word
poetry can include sound pattern .thay are rhyme and rhythm .
rhyming is repeating sounds in word there are four kinds of rhyme : consonance ,

consonance is a sound of letters and words
end rhyme is repeating the same sound at the end of the line .
assonance is repeating a vowel sound
alliteration iis repeating the beginning sound in a word
Thursday, 4 April 2019
the other day for music i played on the xylophone i don't find it hard any more i like to play it now and the songs we played were One call away,shotgun. the song i found hard was one call away shotgun i like to play that song now the xylophone is one of the best instruments and i still find the ukulele hard i am not good at that i am still learning how to play that one it is still confusing to me i can't wait till next week
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
kiwi can
LI To Build positive relationships
today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship . we learnt that there are times we can say no !
we talked about situations were it is ok to say no
we discussed different way to say no that don't cause disrespect
we did a activity called empathy role play .
a group acted out a situation and as a class
we needed to to decide they way to say no
are options were
no thanks !
best do something else instead.
just not my thing .
that not a nice thing to do .
today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship . we learnt that there are times we can say no !
we talked about situations were it is ok to say no

we did a activity called empathy role play .
a group acted out a situation and as a class
we needed to to decide they way to say no
are options were
no thanks !
best do something else instead.
just not my thing .
that not a nice thing to do .
Friday, 22 March 2019
this week for reading i had to find a word that mean the same. As my word it is canopy and up their that is some of the word that i found .I like the word because it sound nice but to find all of this i used the thesaurus .It is where i found all of these words and i use it every day i like this thing it is great to use it can really help you next time you do your work and goodbye .
chair 1234
This week for inquire me and my team had to make a google drawing. In are team we had to make 4 google drawing. And we had to make it a chair for are one and i mad the spiritual. What this is about is that without the legs it well not stand and we had to base this apon hauora. And my team members names are Akuhata,Lone,and chisa and me and we are great at this .
Friday, 8 March 2019
red ranger
this week we had to find 5 facts about the red ranger did you now that there was 20 red rangers and that his name is jason lee scott and that he has been the leader of the team for years
personal strength | Inquiry | KoS
personal strength
i am good at writing and i am ok at reading and i am nice at talking to my brothers and i am very good at math and i am good with my family and i am great at video game so that is me what are you good at .
emotions and safe activities
what action make me angry is when someone does a prank on me i get very angry and i have to get cold water and i have to splash it on my face or i set down and do som maths situations or i just set in a room .
types of touch
types of touch that are not good is when you get punched or when you get slapped now this is good touch a hi five or a handshake or massage and those were some of types of touch that i know of .
safe situations
here is a safe situation you are at home and your mum is playing a video game with you and here is a very unsafe situation you are walking home and a man comes up to you and said that he knows your mum and that you should go in his van and come with him .
i am good at writing and i am ok at reading and i am nice at talking to my brothers and i am very good at math and i am good with my family and i am great at video game so that is me what are you good at .
emotions and safe activities
what action make me angry is when someone does a prank on me i get very angry and i have to get cold water and i have to splash it on my face or i set down and do som maths situations or i just set in a room .
types of touch
types of touch that are not good is when you get punched or when you get slapped now this is good touch a hi five or a handshake or massage and those were some of types of touch that i know of .
safe situations
here is a safe situation you are at home and your mum is playing a video game with you and here is a very unsafe situation you are walking home and a man comes up to you and said that he knows your mum and that you should go in his van and come with him .
Thursday, 7 March 2019
this week for music i played xylophone and i was very bad at it and we had to play a song we all got to play wefe are instruments and i went to play the xylophone and then we had to play songs and and we had to play xylophone and then we had to do it and then the teacher told us what song to do and then we had to do the xylophone and then we had to play the xylophone and then we had to start it when the teacher told us and then we had to start it and then we had to go back to the class and then we had to blog it.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
kiwi can
L.I to paris to other people this week in kiwi can i got to get in a serceill and then we all had a talk and then we went outside and then we played paper scissor rock the way you play is you say that and then if you are the loser then you have to turn around and if you win then you have to run from the loser and if you get tagde then you are out and then we played kickball and the way you play this is you have to get pot in tow to team and then one team plays as the defenders have to stop the attackers kick the ball and then you have to run all the way to the end and run bake wife out getting touched by the defenders and my team lost so bad but i was happy
Friday, 22 February 2019
L.I: To learn things in maths to connect with the number
This is my poster for that we had to do a math poster and this in my one and i like it and then i had to get this and start to make it and then you will have to make it and then you will have to put on the number math that you did before and then out will have to do it and you will have to write the maori word and then you will have to it and the number that i pick was number 18 and i like the number 18 it cool.

this one is how relations can change your friend code move your teacher code get fired you may have to move or thay my past away .
and this one is are friends and are principal are mums and are dads are school leaders and are siblings and are kiwi can leaders we can look up to them.
Thursday, 21 February 2019
L1 To practice the basics of chords.
This week in music we had to practice chords and they were C, G, F and A. We practiced playing Shotgun and One Call Away. I played the xylophone. i had fun that bay i fund shotgun to be the hardest but the teacher helped me and that was nise.
This week in music we had to practice chords and they were C, G, F and A. We practiced playing Shotgun and One Call Away. I played the xylophone. i had fun that bay i fund shotgun to be the hardest but the teacher helped me and that was nise.
Ki o rahi
LI. To learn the areas of the field in Ki O Rahi.
Today for kiwisport we were learning the parts of the field in Ki o rahi. There was:
Te Ao = The world
Poe = The poles
Te Rotu = The moat
Paweru = The island
Te Ara = The iceberg bridge
Tupu = The rock.
I liked the game.
Today for kiwisport we were learning the parts of the field in Ki o rahi. There was:
Te Ao = The world
Poe = The poles
Te Rotu = The moat
Paweru = The island
Te Ara = The iceberg bridge
Tupu = The rock.
I liked the game.
Friday, 15 February 2019
ki o rahi
L.I: we had to learn about ki o rahi
We watched a video, The legend was about a man how wife got taken by the bad guy and then he went out to hunt for his wife and he built a kite with his people to fly over the blocked forest and then he got stranded on the island with a taniwha circling the island well the sun was on him but a eagle flew to help him and flew him to his people and together they went to get Rahi's wife. The end.
We watched a video, The legend was about a man how wife got taken by the bad guy and then he went out to hunt for his wife and he built a kite with his people to fly over the blocked forest and then he got stranded on the island with a taniwha circling the island well the sun was on him but a eagle flew to help him and flew him to his people and together they went to get Rahi's wife. The end.
L.I to make graphs about LS1.
This Week for Math we had to get into groups. In my group was Te Raumati, Acein, Liletina, Deanne, Afatia and me. We had to do four digital graphs and two hands wrote graphs. Deanne and Afatia were doing the hand wrote graphs and The others in the group including me were doing the Digital Graphs. I had to show them how to make the digital graphs because they didn't really know how to.
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